"The book of Jeremiah is unique among the prophetic books because of a remarkable group of utterances which are usually referred to as the 'Confessions' of Jeremiah. The term 'confession' is probably not an apt one since the passages consist of prayer or laments, monologues, dialogs, and disputes with Yahweh. All of these passages combine to give a remarkable picture of the personality of Jeremiah and reveal something of the inner struggles of the prophet. It becomes evident also that Jeremiah was deeply conscious of his own human existence. He Was also deeply aware of his own calling to the prophetic office. As a result his life was one of continuous tension between Jeremiah the man and Jeremiah the prophet. This led him into a kind of controversy with Yahweh that becomes clear in the so-called 'confessions'." [J.A. Thompson, NICOT]

offered are condolences
but often not kept
still a camaraderie is present
in the prophet who wept
more questions than answers
more shadows than clear
in these struggles and tensions
of a God who draws near

The following videos are short scriptural reflections on Jeremiah's Confessions. They include a reading of the text along with abstract (though complimentary) imagery and end with an epilogue from the Gospels. They require your attention and imagination and possibly a repeated viewing.

These are Jeremiah's confessions, but all of us can connect to wrestling with who God is, who we are, and how we are called to minister in our own unique contexts.