
Audio Podcast

The teaching audio for Sunday Messages can be found on multiple platforms including [ANCHOR] and [iTUNES] and [SPOTIFY]. Along with the Psalmist, we believe that the unfolding of God’s word brings light to our lives. Different teachers bring different teaching styles which allows for a diverse interaction with the sacred Scriptures through heart, mind, soul, and strength. Here are a few selections from our teaching times.

YouTube LiveStream

While we greatly encourage all people to be embodied and physically present during corporate worship, there are circumstances and seasons when hearing/watching the service online is needed. Most of our Sunday morning services are streamed and then archived on YouTube. Our podcasts get updated monthly, but if you need to review or watch a message immediately, you can fast forward through the weekly videos. Click on the link in the banner at the top of the page or visit our video archive page.


Creativity and beauty are central to the foundation of all things, God Himself being the source of both realities. We are called to experience God sensually—through sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. We are to taste and see that He is good (Ps. 34:8) and gaze upon His beauty (Ps. 27:4). Jesus became flesh and we are to reach out to Him with both faith and doubt (Mk. 5:25-34 and John 20:24-29), listen for His voice (Heb. 3:15), and be a sweet aroma to God in Christ (2Co. 2:15). At different times during the year you’ll find the incorporation of visual art, original songs, spoken word, and more. Art helps to both communicate ideas and invite us into the mystery of truth, beauty, and goodness in a broken world.


This Hope

[ Anna Martin ]

Splintered wood
set in dirt and ground
Grass grows nearby
and rocks watch in silence
Birds fly overhead
and fish swim in the lake down the hill
Wind blows against my wet, cold face
I cannot feel my nose
The sun shines down on us all
and clouds dot the sky

Over on the horizon,
Thick grays approach
and rain can be seen wisping down
My Father’s world, this is
I’m set upon the wood
hewn by splintered hands
hands loved well by my Father and me
but set to deadly things
They’re hurting, aching hands
which grasp the shield and sword
They left their work of love and dirt
and on was clasped the chain of fear
Hands once held
now desperately stab
in lonely terrified strikes
They’d trusted in their Father’s gifts
but now grasp and grab
for what they want or think they need

I came into this world
to be what they could not
to see what they could not
to wrap my hands around
their dying, blind ones
and remind them of love
remind them of peace
remind them of work
and dirt and gifts

I came to remind them
of the freedom to move
as I broke from their wrists
those chains of death

So now I’ve been nailed
fastened upon this dead wood tree
I know of trust
I trust my Father
I know all this
the wood, the world, the withering hands
for Him hold worth of seeds
This all seems bad
so full of death
and fear and hurt and hate
And yes, indeed
it is

But here I love
I treasure this time
From this he will
call forth life.