A Christian conversation where red and blue come together seeking a better way in the battered and bruised landscape of politics.
// Episode 1 //
"I am a Jesus follower and I voted for..."
The episode explores the finger pointing among Christians across the pews at others who voted differently than they did in the most recent election. "You voted for Hillary...you must not care about unborn babies." "Yeah, well, you voted for Trump...you must not care about women." What are our stories as followers of Christ that led us to vote one way or the other? How do we view other Christians in our church and the broader Church and listen to their stories that led to their vote?
// Episode 2 //
"But my candidate aligns most closely with Christian values..."
This episode explores the fallacy that when we vote we should be content that our candidate is "close enough" to the gospel. "It may not be a perfect fit, but it works for me!" This position gives too much weight to our earthly government and disempowers the gospel. The question should not be, which candidate most aligns with the Truth of Scripture, but instead, how does the Church align with the Truth of Scripture? What does it look like for the Church to love God and neighbor without relying on our government for all the answers to things that we hold true?
// Episode 3 //
"Where does the Church go from here..."
This episode explores practical steps for the Church as it walks out its mission. It is a given that our politicians will fail us. The Church must do something beyond lobbying for new laws. How can the Church, in alignment with Christ (rather than the left or the right) make the Kingdom of God known to a hurting world.