Children’s Ministry

Every Sunday we offer a nursery for age zero through kids who are beginning to walk. Two toddler rooms are offered -- one for walkers through two years old and another for three and four year olds. We value worship as a family from a standpoint of example (children learning how to worship by worshiping with their parents) and presence (since Jesus calls us to live as children in the Kingdom, the presence of our kids is important). The safety of children in our care is important: students must be signed in and out of their classrooms by the adult who brought them to Cornerstone.  They will not be released to siblings or other adults not listed on the sign-in sheet.

During the worship gathering, children age five through fifth grade are dismissed to Sunday School. This is a great time of learning and community for our kids where they encounter Jesus through creativity, interaction with Scripture and relationship with great teachers.

If you are visiting with us, be sure to sign your children in and out of these rooms at the appropriate table in the lobby. Also, please be sure to receive your children quickly after the close of the corporate gathering so that our children’s ministry staff can be released.

Children's Ministry Curriculum

+Year 1, Qrt 1 (2016)
+Year 1, Qrt 2,3,4 (2016)
+Year 2 (2017)
+Year 3 (2018)